Vendor Information


Download Vendor Application Packet

Please Submit Packet & All Attachments By: 9/12/2025

Event Date:

Friday, October 10th 3:30 - 9:00 PM and Saturday, October 11th 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

** Set-up Time on Friday is from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM;
** Saturday Set-up is from 6:00 - 7:30 AM


Historic Downtown Murrieta (Washington Ave. between Kalmia and Ivy)

Contact with Questions:

Don Barnett, Murrieta Rod Run Committee, Application and ALL Attachments Turn Into: Erick Montejo, Oak Grove Center at or (951-677-5599 ext. 2271


  • 10x10 Standard Booth Space $250
  • 10x 20 Standard Booth Space $350
  • 10x20 Food Vendors $375 (includes health permit)
  • $10/day temporary business license (only if you DO NOT have a Murrieta business address or license)

Booth Need to Know:

  • Cost is for space only.
  • You must bring your own set-up materials (i.e. canopy, tables, chairs).
  • All vendors must be set up by 2:00 PM on Friday and by 7:30 AM on Saturday.
  • There will not be any set-up after 7:30 AM Saturday due to insurance regulations.
  • All EZ-Ups must be Fire Department approved and weighted down at all times per fire code. No Exceptions! If it is not weighted down, they will ask you to take it down.
  • No electrical outlets or water sources will be available provided.
  • Food Trailers must be equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system and have a CA State Fire Marshal tag showing proof of service within the last six months.
  • NO OPEN FLAMES or cooking under tents or canopies permitted.
  • Food Vendors cooking with a deep fat fryer must have a 40BC fire extinguisher. All other food vendors must have a 2A: 10BC fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers must have a CA Fire tag showing proof of service within the last year or manufactured in the current calendar year.
  • Reminder and details regarding Check-In and Set-Up will be emailed prior to the event.
  • Evaluation on space will be ‘first come, first served’ – So get your entry in early!
  • All rules must be followed or you will be asked to leave the show.
  • Deadline to apply with ALL ATTACHMENTS INCLUDED is 9/12/2025.
  • All other vendors using gasoline powered generators  must have a 2A: 10BC fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers must have a CA Fire tag showing proof of service within the last year or manufactured in the current calendar year.
  • No Refunds!!!!!

Insurance Requirements:

You must provide your own insurance (Minimum policy $2 Million liability coverage) The original endorsement MUST list the following as additional insured: City of Murrieta, Oak Grove Center for Education Treatment & the Arts, Drifters Car Club Vendors must provide a Certificate of Insurance and original endorsement affecting the required coverage. The certificates and endorsements are to be on ISO-approved forms. We cannot accept a Certificate of Insurance without the additional insured as proof of insurance coverage!